Mango dry fruits milkshake

This recipe is good for your health in several ways. It provides energy, boosts immunity and supports brain function.

Dry fruits are also rich sources of fibre, antioxidants and other important vitamins and minerals.

The best time to have this drink is for breakfast, but it can also be served as a dessert.

Preparation time: 20 minutes
Cooking time: Nil
Soaking time: 15 minutes
Serves: 2


2 tbsp mixed nuts
7-8 dates
1.5 cup chilled milk
1 mango (I used Alphonso mango)


1) Soak the nuts and dates in hot water for 15 minutes. I used pistachio seeds, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds and almonds. You can use cashews, walnuts, fig and apricot too.
2) Remove the skin from the almonds and pistachio.
3) Grind everything along with mango pulp and ½ cup of milk.
4) Transfer to a bowl and add the remaining 1 cup of milk.
5) The sweetness of mango and dates are enough for this milkshake. No need to add any sweetener.
6) Mix everything well.
7) Serve chilled.
8) I garnished the drink with fresh mango pieces and chopped nuts.


a) You can replace mango with banana.
b) 1 tsp of cocoa powder can be added while blending the nuts to get a nice chocolate taste.

Jeyashri Suresh runs the
vegetarian food website


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